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About Us

We know that a person is greater than the the sum of their individual parts. That's why we wanted to set up a service that takes the time to explore who you are, what your needs might be, and what aspects of your life are impacting  your health. We don't just look at any particular health issue in isolation, but examine the whole. Then design a programme that suites you to benefit your health. Horizon Health Clinics have been developed by Raymond McCaughan, a qualified nurse of 24 years with a broad range of experience, from acute care in Accident and Emergency, to chronic care conditions in the home. More recently  working with those suffering  acute medical and mental health needs in forensics. Raymond is a  member of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. We use evidence based learning to help plan changes for the better. Our process follows the Lifestyle Prescribing Programme created by Dr Rangan Chaterjee. We aim to show you how positive changes in your life can impact your health for the better.   

Our Story

Having worked in the NHS and in Private Care over the years. I noticed that many basic  needs were being overlooked by the "normal" processing of patients. Time is rarely being taken to listen to what the concerns of the person really are. We are missing a really obvious need if we do not address those concerns, and plan a way of dealing with them.


More evidence is becoming available to support the idea of lifestyle medicine. being central to healing and good health. Having undertaken the Lifestyle Prescribing Programme, run by Practice Unbound and led by Dr Rangan Chatterjee, it was clear that a novel approach is needed in healthcare.  Moreover, around the world more medical doctors are highlighting the need to approach people as a whole and not as a disease to manage. Dr Gabor Mate, a Canadian Physician, has written widely on the areas of addiction, mental health and healing, writing about  how the person centred approach is key.  Dr Joe Dispenza has studied the neurological connection between happiness and health. The evidence is large and very clear, we can do so much to improve our health by managing our diet, exercise, our connections to others, our stress and sleep.


As Health Care Professionals, we help you make those changes with support and evidence based guidance.


Change is often perceived as inconvenient, unless it is a necessity. To relinquish the old and embrace the new can be daunting. But it is a challenge worth taking when the benefits are so great.


That is why this service was developed to give you the motivation and the tools to change your life for the better



A Word on Motivation and Change


This staircase has 345 steps. Do you see it as something unpleasant or impossible in front of you? Or do you see the potential of what you may find when you reach the top? The most difficult part of climbing these stairs is  taking the first step. That initial step is the 'activation energy', the motivation to begin. Following that it is one step at a time until the goal is realised. Sure you might get tired, you may have to stop to rest, but once the journey has begun you are more than halfway there. How we position the view of those stairs will affect how we approach them.


At the top sat a 2000 year old Roman amphitheatre. A stone's throw from the Basilica of Notre-Dame, and  a view of Lyon that is simply breathtaking. I didn't know what I would find when I placed my foot on the first step, but the motivation to climb those stairs paid off.


We want to help you find that 'activation energy' to change your health for the better.


Change is a constant.  It is always happening; sometimes fast, sometimes slow. The pictures below were taken in Skipton Woods from the same bench 6 months apart. It emphasises how nothing remains static. If we do not embrace change we risk getting stuck and unable to move on. This is when our health can become affected.   We need to be ready to meet those changes and the challenges they bring, when they occur, however fast or slow they happen. 

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